For nearly 20 years I have worked and focused on Editorial Design. The aim of which is to create engaging designs that work with editorial content to produce visual storytelling features. Below are examples of some of the features I have designed for Lifestyle magazines that are produced for several counties across England containing diverse content for wide ranging audiences.
The feature designs can range from Art Directed features, such as above and below, to heavily templated features (What's On and Listing features). Throughout the years the templates and styles have changed, refreshed and been re-designed. For each change I have adapted and found ways, within the house-styles, to continue to produce creative and interesting features.

Experimenting and working with headline styles is something that I have spent a lot of time working with to produce eye-catching designs to draw in the reader.

Skills: Editorial Design / Art Direction / Research / Magazine Design / Feature Design / Visual Storytelling / Communication

Tools: Adobe InDesign / Adobe Photoshop / Atex P-Series

Finding inventive and attractive ways to design content from editorial is always a challenge and one that I readily will take on. With research, time and patience, features, such as the timeline for HM the Queen's reign, was one feature that required some thinking outside the box from the magazine's usual house style. This particular design was used across the portfolio of Life titles.
Above: 'What's On' and 'Listings' or 'Listicles' are often heavily templated features which still come with their own unique challenges. They are quite often puzzle pieces to be fitted across a set amount of pages. Working with the editor to have the text fit to our templates, attractive features are created using the styles to produce a 'dip in and out' ability for the reader as they scan the pages.

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